Inexplicably… it is summer. I know this to be true as the spring flowers have faded and left a green swath in their path. Thunderheads build behind the ridge to the west of the studio, loudly threatening a deluge making even the crows hush. Yesterday’s heat stayed behind and fed out of my mattress until the wee hours of the morning, a damp stillness seeped in the window. Even in our Vermont farmhouse I had fitful dreams of southern coastal nights with complete with haunting soundtrack. This morning we gave in and sprinkled the house with a few little window a/c units. Out come the linens – cool whites with touches of blue. If my eyes see cool and my brain registers cool, I’m betting on a breeze to lift the spirits. Our foundation collections are available in Summer Sky to create your own oasis of cool silken shade.
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Thanks to Harry D Hudson for the soundtrack to my life and for letting me share!